Your Fire Protector Since 1994
When conditions are such that extremely rapid fire spread can be expected, Aksis fire suppression
systems can provide maximum safety.
Water-spray extinguishing systems operate with open extinguisher nozzles which, in the event of a fire,
distribute the extinguishing water over the entire protected area, the quantity of extinguishant needed
being minimal.
Spray extinguishing increases the surface area of the extinguishing water, entrains the heat of in
addition to this cooling effect there is a smothering effect because the steam produced impedes the oxygen
supply to the base of the fire.
Water-spray extinguishing systems are designed for space or equipment protection. In the case of space
protection, the extinguishing water is distributed evenly across the whole area of the fire hazard. The
extinguishing nozzles are therefore arranged evenly spaced at ceiling level, In the case of equipment
protection systems, defined objects particularly subject to fire hazard are provided with water spray for
protection or preventive cooling.
The extinguishing nozzles are therefore arranged to be specifically aimed at the object. For tall
objects, they may also be installed at several levels.
With our well stocked warehouse, we ensure that key components are always available for rapid delivery to meet your needs without delay.